Summer Internship Opportunities
What are you doing this summer? What if we told you that we have an opportunity for you to make a difference in the world around you? An opportunity to be a bolder witness? As an OLV intern, you will participate in a team of students geared to impact the next generation. You will get to use and develop your gifts and talents to share the love of Jesus with kids around the greater Houston area as we partner with various churches to reach their communities. We are currently accepting applications for all summer positions and dates. You must be 12 years of age to apply. No experience is required, just a willingness to work hard and commit to giving your best. Apply using the form below. Please note that each date has limited space. Application doesn’t guarantee a spot as an intern.
What is an Intern?
An OLV intern is a young person (ages 12-24) serious about following Jesus. They want to grow in their faith and live their life honoring Him. OLV interns desire to make a difference in our world! As an intern you will have the opportunity to be involved in ministry, and experience God using you to impact the lives of others.
What to expect:
You will receive hands-on training: learning skills in stage production, tech, acting, worship, and team leadership.
You will play an active role in our VBS program: participating in setup & strike, tech, backstage production, acting in dramas and skits, leading worship, leading games, and creating excitement and fun as a hype leader.
You will also be involved in daily Bible studies and group discussions about how to reach your generation for Christ. And you will have opportunities to participate in other outreach activities throughout the summer.
Are you up for the challenge? Apply today!
2024 Adventure!!
This summer our theme is Sky High Adventures. Join us as we take the kids on an adventure to meet God in the mountaintop experiences that change their lives and ours!